mardi 27 octobre 2009

Copy and paste on your iPhone better with Action Menu!

iphone 3g blanc Copier coller mieux sur votre iPhone avec Action Menu !I would like to submit an application which I can pass on my iPhone. Action Menu for iPhone is one of those applications that make you use your phone more enjoyable everyday. Just that.

IPhone owners were already happy to have (finally) copy and paste from the native Firmware 3. This function was previously fairly basic, we select the text by holding his finger on the screen and dragging, then press Copy, you double-clicked on another field and any text you pressed paste.

Installable only via Cydia, familiar to owners of jailbroken iPhone, the application menu Action (formerly Clippy) created by Ryan Petrich, we offer new context actions that appear when you double click or a long click on the text.

On a non-editable text (like on a web page), we "call" (call the selected number), "upward" and "down" (very convenient, it allows you to move quickly in the beginning or end of page).

Action menu lecture

On non-editable text, we have the stock copy, call, scroll at the top, scroll to Bottom

In editable text, we have the choice between having icons or text, the button "copy all" and the big news almost indispensable "favorites" (opens a pop-up containing the previously added Favorites).

Action menu texte éditable
In editable text, we select the action, select all, copy, copy everything and favorites

The Favorites list can contain formulas "Hey, you okay? "Logins (I use Facebook for example) or even complete sentences. To reuse, simply click on the Favorites icon (the heart) and then select the text you want.
The Action Menu options

Les options de Action Menu
Namely, there is a paid version ($ 2.99) and adds the following features:

* History keeps the history of each collage
* Lookup allows you to find matches online telephone numbers and words, using Google Search, Wikipedia, dictionary and Google Translate.
* Tweet can quickly send selected text by a Twitter client installed on your iPhone (currently supports Tweetie, Twitterific, Twittelator and TwitterFon).

That said, just in its free version, Action Menu is already one of these applications, which are rapidly becoming indispensable to your iPhone!

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