mardi 27 octobre 2009

A massive regeneration of the range Apple! The new iMac, MacBook, Mac Mini and the Magic Mouse ...!

It's amazing how Apple is really something to talk about him. Their lack of communication about their products is always the starting point of rumors of growing ...

Many rumors suggested a massive regeneration of the entire Apple range, while others evoked an announcement at the day of the release of Windows Seven (which officially arrives Thursday). Well finally, it is a bit of both since at 2 days of the release of the new operating system from Microsoft, Apple releases 2 new iMac, a new MacBook Unibody said a new Mac Mini and a new mouse in touch concept out of nowhere!
mac mini 600x306 Un renouvellement massif de la gamme Apple ! Des nouveaux iMac, Macbook, Mac Mini et... la Magic Mouse !

The new Mac Mini is a silent machine, compact and configured to be used as a file server to centralize his films, photos and MP3 and distribute streaming on a LAN.

imac 600x286 Un renouvellement massif de la gamme Apple ! Des nouveaux iMac, Macbook, Mac Mini et... la Magic Mouse !
The new iMac, meanwhile, follows the laws of evolution computer (I think of the famous Moore's Law) and succeeded, while maintaining its compact design and integrated whole, to become an extremely powerful machine with a processor quadcore . Until now, the architecture at 4 hearts (and more) was reserved for the Mac Pro. Moreover, it becomes more comfortable going to a screen diagonal of up to 27 inches!
macbook 600x312 Un renouvellement massif de la gamme Apple ! Des nouveaux iMac, Macbook, Mac Mini et... la Magic Mouse !

The new MacBook, always white, changing its design by adopting a shell type Unibody while enhancing its performance and by adding a trackpad multi-points.
magic mouse 600x207 Un renouvellement massif de la gamme Apple ! Des nouveaux iMac, Macbook, Mac Mini et... la Magic Mouse !

Last but not least, Apple abandoned its famous Mighty Mouse, its first multi-button mice out there 4 years ago and now his team past the new machinery of Magic Mouse. Its main novelty, in addition to its highly successful design, is its touch screen Multi-touch, instead of the traditional scroll wheel, allowing manipulation as "iPhone".
La nouvelle souris tactile d'Apple suscite déjà la convoitise des geeks voulant débourser 70 euros...
The new mouse touch Apple has already attracted the envy of geeks willing to pay 70 euros ...

The new mouse touch Apple has already attracted the envy of geeks willing to pay 70 euros ...

Finally, the last good news is that Apple products, even if they are luxury items to finish very elaborate, almost become affordable ... It is only to see prices on the Apple Store! Perhaps it will soon be time to think of changing computer ...

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